
O Brother Where Art Thou Who Are the Men Carry Away Homer


O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) Poster

Pomade Vendor: I can become the role from Bristol. It'll accept two weeks, here's your pomade.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Two weeks? That don't do me no good.

Pomade Vendor: Nearest Ford auto man'due south Bristol.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Concur on, I don't want this pomade. I want Dapper Dan.

Pomade Vendor: I don't deport Dapper Dan, I behave Fop.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, I don't want Fop, goddamn it! I'm a Dapper Dan man!

Pomade Vendor: Watch your language, young feller, this is a public market. At present if you want Dapper Dan, I can order information technology for you, have it in a couple of weeks.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't this identify a geographical oddity. 2 weeks from everywhere!

Pete: Wait a minute. Who elected you leader of this outfit?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract idea. But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote.

Pete: Suits me. I'1000 voting for yours truly.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well I'm voting for yours truly too.

[Everett and Pete look at Delmar for the deciding vote]

Delmar O'Donnell: Okay... I'm with y'all fellas.

Tommy Johnson: I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't it a small earth, spiritually speaking. Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved. I guess I'm the only one that remains unaffiliated.

[after the *Four* soggy bottom boys finish recording "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow"]

Ulysses Everett McGill: Woo! Hot Damn, son I believe you did sell your soul to the devil.

Lund: Woooooooo-wee. Boy, that was a miiiighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'. I'll tell you what, you come up on in here and sign these papers here and I'1000 a gonna you ten dollars a slice.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Uh, okay sir. But Murt and Aloysius volition accept to sign Xes as only 4 of u.s. tin write.

[get-go lines]

Ulysses Everett McGill: Say, whatsoever of y'all boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts earlier straitened circumstances forced you into a life of bumming wanderin'?

Blind Seer: You seek a great fortune, yous three who are at present in bondage. You will find a fortune, though it volition not be the one y'all seek. But first... first you must travel a long and difficult route, a road fraught with peril. Mm-hmm. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... a cow... on the roof of a cotton house, ha. And, oh, so many startlements. I cannot tell y'all how long this route shall exist, but fear not the obstacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward. Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, nevertheless shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation.

Pappy O'Daniel: And furthermore, by way of endorsing my candidacy, the Soggy Bottom Boys are gonna lead u.s.a. all in a rousing chorus of "You Are My Sunshine."

[Adulation. Pappy turns away from the mike, towards Everett]

Pappy O'Daniel: [no-nonsense] Ain't you, boys?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Governor, it's one of our favorites.

Pappy O'Daniel: Son... y'all're gonna go far.

Pete: Well I'll be a sonofabitch. Delmar's been saved.

Delmar O'Donnell: Well that's it, boys. I've been redeemed. The preacher'south done warshed away all my sins and transgressions. It'southward the straight and narrow from here on out, and heaven everlasting'due south my reward.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Delmar, what are yous talking almost? We've got bigger fish to fry.

Delmar O'Donnell: The preacher says all my sins is warshed away, including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo.

Ulysses Everett McGill: I thought you said you was innocent of those charges?

Delmar O'Donnell: Well I was lyin'. And the preacher says that that sin's been warshed away likewise. Neither God nor man's got nothin' on me now. C'mon in boys, the water is fine.

Delmar O'Donnell: Treat some gopher?

Ulysses Everett McGill: No thank you, Delmar. A third of a gopher would simply arouse my appetite without beddin' 'er back down.

Delmar O'Donnell: Oh, you can have the whole affair. Me and Pete already had one apiece. Nosotros ran across a whole... gopher village.

Pete: I've always wondered, what'southward the devil wait like?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, there are all manner of lesser imps and demons, Pete, but the groovy Satan hisself is red and scaly with a bifurcated tail, and he carries a hay fork.

Tommy Johnson: Oh, no. No, sir. He's white, every bit white equally you folks, with empty eyes and a big hollow vocalisation. He likes to travel around with a hateful sometime hound. That's right.

Pete: The Preacher said information technology absolved us.

Ulysses Everett McGill: For him, not for the constabulary. I'm surprised at you lot, Pete, I gave you credit for more brains than Delmar.

Delmar O'Donnell: Only they was witnesses that seen u.s. redeemed.

Ulysses Everett McGill: That's non the consequence Delmar. Even if that did put you square with the Lord, the State of Mississippi's a little more hard-nosed.


Ulysses Everett McGill: Baptism! You 2 are just dumber than a handbag of hammers!

Ulysses Everett McGill: You tin't brandish a toad in a fine restaurant like this! Why, the expert folks here would go right off the feed!

Delmar O'Donnell: I just don't retrieve it'south right keeping him under wraps like nosotros'southward ashamed of him.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, if information technology is Pete, I am aback of him! Style I encounter information technology, he got what he deserved, fornicating with some whore of Babylon. These things don't happen for no reason, Delmar. Information technology's obviously some kinda judgment on his character.

Delmar O'Donnell: Well, the two of us was fixin' to fornicate!

Pappy O'Daniel: Sounded to me like he was harboring a hateful grudge against the Soggy Bottom Boys on account of their rough and rowdy past. Looks like Homer Stokes is the kind of beau who wants to bandage the commencement rock.


Pappy O'Daniel: Well, I'1000 with y'all folks. I'1000 a forgive-and-forgettin' Christian, and I say, if their rambunctiousness, and misdemeanoring, is behind them...

[turns away from the mike, towards Everett]

Pappy O'Daniel: [no-nonsense] It is, ain't it, boys?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Uh, yeah sir, it is.

Ulysses Everett McGill: The treasure is still there boys, believe me.

Delmar O'Donnell: Simply how'd he know about the treasure?

Ulysses Everett McGill: I don't know Delmar. The blind are reputed to possess sensitivities compensating for their lack of sight, even to the betoken of developing paranormal psychic powers. At present, clearly seeing into the futurity would fall into neatly into that category; its non and then surprising then that an organism deprived of its earthly vision...

Pete: He said we wouldn't get get it. He said we wouldn't get the treasure we seek on account of our ob-stac-les.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well what the hell does he know, he's only an ignorant old man?

Lund: Now, what can I do you for Mr. French?

French: How tin can I lay a hold of them Soggy Lesser Boys?

Lund: Soggy Bottom? I don't precisely think them.

French: They cutting a record in here a few days ago, was an onetime-timey harmony thing with a guitar accom... accomp...

Lund: Oh here, here, here, I recall them! They was colored fellas, I believe.

French: Uh huh.

Lund: Yessuh, they're a fine bunch a boys. They sang in the yonder can and skeedadled.

French: Well that tape is goin' through the goddamned roof. They playin' it equally far away as Mobile.

Lund: Naw?

French: Whole damn state's goin' apey.

Lund: Well it was a powerful air.

French: Hot damn, we gotta detect them boys and sign 'em to a big fat contract. Hells Bells, Mr. Lund, if we don't the goddamned contest will.

Lund: Ohhhh mercy! Yes we got to shell that competition.

George Nelson: [later Nelson has robbed the depository financial institution] Thank you lot folks! And remember, Jesus saves, but George Nelson withdraws!


George Nelson: Go fetch the auto voiture, Pete.

Adult female In Bank: [whispering] Is that "Babyface" Nelson?

George Nelson: Who said that?


George Nelson: What ignorant, low down, slanderizin, son of a bowwow said that?

[goes upward to adult female]

George Nelson: My name is George Nelson, get me?

Delmar O'Donnell: She didn't mean nothin past it, George.

George Nelson: [noticeably upset] George Nelson! Not "Babyface"! Y'all remember, and you tell your friends! I'm George Nelson! Born to raise hell!

[Nelson points his Tommy Gun towards the ceiling and fires it, and the bank patrons jump]


Ulysses Everett McGill: I am a human of constant sorrow, I've seen problem all my days. I bid farewell to one-time Kentucky, the place where I was born and raised.

Delmar O'Donnell,Pete: The place where he was built-in and raised.

Ulysses Everett McGill: For vi long years I've been in trouble, no pleasure here on World I've found. For in this world I'm jump to ramble, I have no friends to help me out.

Delmar O'Donnell,Pete: He has no friends to help him out.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Maybe your friends call up I'm just a stranger, my face up you never volition run across no more than. But there is one promise that is given, I'll meet y'all on God's golden shore.

Delmar O'Donnell,Pete: He'll run into you lot on God'due south gold shore.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Me an' the old lady are gonna choice up the pieces and retie the knot, mixaphorically speaking.

Delmar O'Donnell: I'1000 gonna visit those foreclosing son-of-a-guns at the Indianola Savings & Loan, slap that coin on the barrelhead and purchase back the family unit farm. You ain't no kind of man if you own't got country.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Pete'southward cousin turned united states in for the bounty.

Pete: The hell you lot say! Wash is kin!

Washington Hogwallop: Sorry, Pete, I know we're kin, but they got this low on. I got to practice for me and mine.

Pete: I'm gonna impale you, Judas Iscariot Hogwallop!

Pete: Well hell, information technology ain't foursquare i! Ain't nobody gonna choice upward iii filthy, unshaved hitch-hikers, and one of them a know-it-all that tin't keep his trap shut.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Pete, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I don't intend to dignify with comment. Merely I would like to address your full general attitude of hopeless negativism. Consider the lilies of the goddamn field or... hell! Have at expect at Delmar here every bit your prototype of hope.

Delmar O'Donnell: Yeah, look at me.

[Discussing how to counter Homer Stokes' entrada for governor]

Junior O'Daniel: Nosotros could hire our own midget, even shorter than his.

Pappy O'Daniel: Wouldn't we expect similar a agglomeration of Johnny-come-latelies, bragging on our own midget, doesn't matter how stumpy.

Pappy O'Daniel: Shake a leg Junior! Thank God your mammy died givin' birth. If she'd accept seen you, she'd take died o' shame.

Homer Stokes: [every bit One thousand Kleagle at a KKK rally] Brothers! Oh, brothers! We have all gathered here, to preserve our hallowed culture and heritage! Nosotros aim to pull evil up past the root, before it chokes out the flower of our culture and heritage! And our women, allow'south not forget those ladies, yous. Looking to u.s. for protection! From darkies, from Jews, from papists, and from all those smart-ass folks say we come descended from monkeys!

Ulysses Everett McGill: Deceitful, 2-faced she-woman. Never trust a female Delmar, recall that one uncomplicated precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

Delmar O'Donnell: Ok, Everett.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Hit by a train! Truth means nothing to a woman, Delmar. Triumph of the subjective. You lot ever been with a woman?

Delmar O'Donnell: Well, I... I... I gotta get the family farm back before I tin can start thinking virtually that.

Ulysses Everett McGill: That'south correct, if then. Believe me Delmar, woman is the near fiendish musical instrument of torture ever devised to bedevil the days of human being.

Penny Wharvey McGill: Vernon here'south got a job. Vernon's got prospects. He's bona fide. What are you lot?

Pete: Do not seek the treasure!

Big Dan Teague: You lot don't say much my friend, only when you do it's to the indicate, and I salute yous for information technology.

Pappy O'Daniel: I'll press your flesh, you dimwitted sumbitch! You don't tell your pappy how to court the electorate. We ain't one-at-a-timin' hither. Nosotros're MASS communicating!

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, equally soon as nosotros go ourselves cleaned up and we get a footling smellum in our hair, why, we're gonna feel 100% better about ourselves and virtually life in general.

Pete: Crazy! No one'south always gonna believe nosotros're a real ring.

Ulysses Everett McGill: No, it'south gonna piece of work. I just gotta get close enough to talk to her. Takin' off with us has got more than future than marryin' a guy named Waldrip. I'chiliad Goddamned bona fide!

Delmar O'Donnell: Everett, my beard itches.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Why are you telling our gals that I was hit by a train?

Penny Wharvey McGill: Lots of respectable people have been hit by trains. Judge Hobbie over in Cookville was hit by a railroad train. What was I gonna tell them, that you lot got sent to the penal farm and I divorced you from shame?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Uh, I take your point. Just information technology does put me in a damn bad-mannered position, vis-a-vis my progeny.

Siren,Siren,Siren: [singing] Go to sleep you lilliputian baby / Become to sleep you fiddling baby / You and me and the devil makes three / Don't demand no other lovin' babe // Become to sleep you niggling baby / Go to sleep you lot little baby / Come up and lay your bones on the alabaster stones / And exist my ever lovin' baby // Become to slumber you lot little infant / Go to sleep you little baby / Your momma's gone away and your daddy'due south gone to stay / Didn't get out nobody but the baby // Go to sleep you lot picayune baby / Go to slumber you piffling baby / Everybody's gone in the cotton and the corn / Didn't go out nobody but the babe // You lot're a sweet lilliputian babe / You're a sweetness little baby / Honey in the rock and the carbohydrate don't cease / Gonna bring a canteen to the infant // Don't you lot cry pretty baby / Don't y'all weep pretty infant / She'southward long gone with the ruby shoes on / Gonna meet another lovin' baby // Go to slumber you little babe / Go to sleep you niggling babe / You and me and the devil makes three / Don't demand no other lovin' baby // Become to sleep you fiddling baby / Go to sleep you little babe / You and me and the devil makes three / Don't need no other lovin' baby // Go to slumber you little baby / Go to sleep you little baby / Your momma's gone away and your daddy's gone to stay / Didn't leave nobody but the infant // Go to sleep you fiddling baby / Go to slumber you little infant / Come and lay your bones on the alabaster stones / And be my e'er lovin' baby

Delmar O'Donnell: Them syreens did this to Pete. They loved him upward and turned him into a horny toad.

Homer Stokes: These boys is non white! These boys is not white! Hell, they own't even old timey!

Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, I guess hard times affluent the chump. Everybody's lookin' for answers... Where the hell's he goin'?

[as Delmar runs out to be baptized]

Pete: Well, I'll be a son of a bitch. Delmar's been saved!

Man with Bullhorn: All right, boys! It's the authorities! We got y'all surrounded! Simply come on out and grabbin' air! And don't try nothing fancy! Your sityeachin is purty nearly hopeless!

[equally a noose is flung over Pete]

Sheriff Cooley: Stairway to heaven. We shall all encounter by and by.

Ulysses Everett McGill: Then you're against me now too? Is that how it is boys? The whole earth, God omnipotent, and at present you.

Delmar O'Donnell: Jacking upward banks. I can meet how a fella'd derive a whole lot of pleasure and satisfaction out of it.

Big Dan Teague: Cheers for the conversational hiatus. I generally refrain from speech durin' sense of taste. I find it course and vulgar. Where were nosotros?

Delmar O'Donnell: Makin' money in the service of the Lord.

Big Dan Teague: Heh, you don't say much, friend, but when y'all exercise, it's to the point and I salute you for it!

Ulysses Everett McGill: I am the only daddy yous got! I'1000 the damn paterfamilias!

Wharvey Gal: Merely you ain't bona fide!

Big Dan Teague: Thank you boys for throwin' in that fricassee. I'g a homo of large appetite, and fifty-fifty with tiffin under my belt, I was feelin' a mite peckish.

Ulysses Everett McGill: It'south our pleasure, Large Dan.

Pappy O'Daniel: Moral fibre? I invented moral fibre! Pappy O'Daniel was displaying rectitude and loftier-mindedness when that egghead y'all work for was withal messing his drawers!

Pappy O'Daniel: Furthermore, in the second Pappy O'Daniel administration, these boys is gonna be my *brain* trust.

Delmar O'Donnell: What'south that hateful, Everett?

Homer Stokes: And I say to you that the great country a Mississippi cannot beget iv more years a Pappy O'Daniel - four more than years a cronyism, nepotism, racialism and service to the Innarests! The choice, she's a clear 'un: Pappy O'Daniel, slave a the Innarests; Homer Stokes, servant a the piddling man! Own't that right, petty fella?

The Piddling Man: He ain't lyin'!

Ulysses Everett McGill: Yessir, the South is gonna alter. Everything's gonna be put on electricity and run on a paying basis. Out with old spiritual mumbo-colossal, the superstition and the backward ways. We're gonna see a brave new world where they run everyone a wire and hook us all up to the filigree. Yessir, a veritable historic period of reason - like they had in France. And not a moment too shortly...

Soggy Bottom Customer: Do you accept the Soggy Bottom Boys performing "Man of Constant Sorrow"?

Record Store Clerk: No ma'am. We got a new shipment in yesterday. Distressing, merely nosotros only tin't keep 'em on our shelves.

Pete: Since we been followin' your atomic number 82, we ain't got null but problem.

Pete: My pa always said "Never trust a Hogwallop!"

Ulysses Everett McGill: The old tactician has got a program. For the transportation that is, I don't know how I'm gonna keep my coiffure in guild.

Pete: How's this a plan? How we gonna go a machine?

Ulysses Everett McGill: Sell that. I figure it can only accept painful association for Wash.

Pete: [reading] "To Washington Bartholomew Hogwallop, from his loving Cora. Amor Fidel... is."

Ulysses Everett McGill: It was in his bureau. I figure it'll fetch us enough greenbacks for a good used machine-voiture, and a little left over besides.

Delmar O'Donnell: Hey mister! I don't mean to be tellin' tales out of school, but at that place'south a feller in there that'll pay you ten dollars if you lot sing into his can.

Big Dan Teague: Bible sales. Now the trade is non a complicated one. There are but two things to larn. One bein' where to find a wholesaler - the Word of God in majority as information technology were. 2, how to recognize your customer. Who are yous dealin' with? It's an do in psychology, and then to speak.

Homer Stokes: This ring of miscreants, this very evening, interfered with a lynch mob in the operation of its duty.

[Last Lines]

Blind Seer: [sings] Oh, carry me away on your snowfall white wings to my celestial home

Woolworths Customer: Who is that man?

Penny Wharvey McGill: He'southward not my hubby... Just a drifter, I guess... Just some no-account out-of-stater.

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